2021 Annual Report
It was another year of challenges and changes as the pandemic lingered on all throughout 2021.
January 2, 2021

To our Family and Friends,
It was another year of challenges and changes as the pandemic lingered on all throughout 2021.
But the response and perseverance through these ongoing challenges and changes show how valuable your partnership with Little City is. At a time when division and disagreement continue to grow, connections and bonds throughout our community remain strong in serving hundreds here each day.
This 2021 Annual Report features stories of these connections . . . these little moments that you helped create that changed a life.
You will read a story about our Special Olympics basketball team and how they are taking what they learn on the court and applying it off the court. There are stories of connections between staff and students where little moments created by you are enabling breakthroughs toward success. And there is even a story from two parents sharing how their daughter’s world changed since coming to Little City. And so much more!
All of these life-changing stories happened in 2021 because of you.
This vibrant community that we share these connections in has always been many things to many different people. For some, it is home. For others, it has helped them find a job or develop new social skills. Regardless of what brought them to Little City, you are helping create the little moments in the lives of individuals with disabilities that’s helping them reach their unique potential.
Our hope is that you know these stories . . . these connections . . . these little moments come to life because of support from partners like you. Whether it be helping renovate a new home, expand a program, or launch a new service – life-changing impact cannot happen without you.
Thank you for making this community that you are such an essential part of so special for so many individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. During this time of increasing division, you make Little City a place where many come together to create a better future.
With deep appreciation for your support,
Shawn E. Jeffers, Executive Director
Greg Burns, Little City Board President