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Community Integrated Living

Community-based living arrangements in neighborhoods throughout Chicago's Northwest suburbs, with 24/7 staff support.

About this Program

Little City has 16 Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILAs), which are modern homes throughout Chicago’s Northwest suburbs that provide individuals with the opportunity to live in beautiful residential communities with housemates and 24/7 support by Little City staff. The residents learn to live as independently as possible in a home environment.

Who We Serve

These homes serve adults ages 22+ who often need more support than those at CLF and SLA living arrangements on our campus, but still engage in the same day programming at Little City’s campus and Countryside Center.

What To Expect

Residents are matched with housemates near the same age and independence level to create an environment where they can bond over shared interests and participate in community events and activities together. Homes are routinely renovated and modified to meet the changing needs of residents. Some homes are specifically designed with extra safety and comfort features to cater to aging residents.

Staff assists the residents in cooking, cleaning, and participating in community activities. Clinical (mental health and behavioral intervention), recreational (in the community or on campus) and medical services are provided to improve quality of life.

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